TanksAreCool Devlogs
TanksAreCool » Devlog
The following thread is to document my design progress working on the TanksAreCool
Its worth noting this is my first attempt at making any form of a game in unity.
I started off the project with a support from teaching staff to be able to have the basic design (the two tanks blowing each other up) the design is pretty simple whichever tank dies first picks whether you win or lose.
I enjoyed learning how to make the tanks move, and in the enemy tanks case how to make it track and target the player tank. I struggled to begin with as I knew very little about how to script in C#, but continued effort in designing the tanks different features helped to build my knowledge.
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Tanks, what more could you want?
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- TanksAreCool Devlogs UI/EnvironmentNov 06, 2020